Monday 25 March 2013

Orthohealing is your destination for getting trigger point injection

A trigger point is a particular place in your muscle that is painful and tender when it gets any kind of pressure. Having a trigger point implies that you may be unable to use your muscle normally. Trigger points can also cause pain and discomposure in other parts of your body. Trigger points are often linked with other conditions, such as chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Trigger point injections can effectively inactivate trigger points and alleviate the painful symptoms. It is mostly prescribed to patients who show persistent symptoms of active trigger points. Dormant trigger points are asymptomatic (do not show symptoms) and do not need treatment generally. 
The Orthohealing Center is a globally acknowledged clinic which specializes in the field of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. Thousands of doctors around the globe frequently visit this clinic for acquiring state of the art guidance and learning. The Orthohealing Center also trains physicians and ultrasonagraphers using seminars. The use of viscosupplementation and PRP injections is an innovative technique, which is skilfully practiced at Orthohealing Center.  Here the main focus is on treating the patient completely, and not just the symptoms. Under medical supervision, the patients here are given trigger point injections which can effectively treat soft tissue pain or muscle twinge of the neck and back.
If you consult a physiotherapist then they will persuade you to gently move and stretch the affected muscle. Depending on the severity, you might also be advised to avoid movements for at least a day. Always follow your physiotherapist’s advice religiously. Although the majority of people do not experience any problem after a trigger point injection you must contact your doctor if you experience high temperature or escalating pain in the muscle within 24 hours.  The Orthohealing Center takes special care in maintaining that trigger points are injected in the presence of local infection. The process of injection on patients with bleeding disorders is done with appropriate medical assessment and control. No need to suffer with pain anymore, visit the renowned Orthohealing Center for getting solutions to chronic pain. 

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